Call for Proposals: Financing Programme for JCM Model Projects in FY2024
※Application Closed
The Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC) as an implementing organization for the Financing Programme for Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Model Projects in FY2024, is soliciting the project proposals for the financing programme.
Programme Overview
(1) Purpose
Japan establishes and implements the Joint Crediting Mechanism (hereinafter referred to as “JCM”) in order both to appropriately evaluate contributions from Japan to GHG emission reductions or removals in a quantitative manner achieved through the diffusion of decarbonizing technologies, products, systems, services, and infrastructure as well as implementation of mitigation actions in developing and other countries.
Starting from Mongolia in January 2013, Japan has established the JCM with 29 partner countries (Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Viet Nam, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Palau, Cambodia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Chile, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippine, Senegal, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Georgia, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Papua New Guinea, United Arab Emirates, Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine) at this moment.
In order to support the implementation of candidate JCM projects, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (hereinafter referred to as “MOEJ”) has launched the “JCM Model Projects (hereinafter referred to as “model project”),” which includes collaboration with projects supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency and other governmental-affiliated financial institution.
The purpose of this model project is to financially support the implementation of projects which reduce GHG emissions by utilizing leading decarbonizing technologies in developing and other countries, and in return seeks to acquire JCM credits for achievement of Japan’s GHG emission reduction target. Moreover, based on the Decarbonization Infrastructure Initiative by MOEJ in June 2021, the Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures approved by Cabinet Office in October 2021 and Implementation of Article 6 following COP26 announced by MOEJ in November 2021, the Grand Design and Action Plan for a New Form of Capitalism (Cabinet Decision in June 2022), etc., the JCM model projects aim to contribute to global GHG emission reduction, through the diffusion of leading decarbonizing technologies while considering the needs of the partner countries.
(2) Who is eligible to submit a proposal?
A Japanese entity as a representative participant of an international consortium which is an association (no legal personality) that consists of a Japanese entity and a foreign entity(ies), etc., with the objective of effectively implementing a project.
(3) Implementation Period of Model Projects
The implementation period of the model projects (i.e. the period for installation of facilities and completing all the payment) shall be from the date indicated on the Notice of Contract of Finance until 29th January 2027. Purchase order prior to or after this period is not covered by this model project.
(4) Deadline for Submission of Proposals
At noon of Friday, 29th November 2024 (Japan Standard Time)
*Time converter tools are available on the Internet:
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Application is open from 5th April through 29th November. (It may close before the deadline due to the availability of remaining budget.)
(5) Inquiry
For questions and inquiries regarding JCM Model Project, please fill out this “contact form”.
(6) Gender Policies in the JCM Model Project
Please refer to “Guideline on Gender Equality for the JCM Model Project”.
(7) Consultation
GEC provides application consultation to assist project formation for entities interested in JCM Model Projects. Please feel free to send us e-mail to with filling out “consultation form” as much as possible.
- Recent Development of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) [PDF]
- Guidelines for Submitting Proposals (Tentative translation)[PDF]
- Overview of JCM Eco Lease scheme [PDF]
- Possible_Contributions_of_JCM_Projects_to_SDGs[PDF]
- Guideline on Gender Equality for the JCM Model Project[PDF]
- Agreement on International Consortium (Example for the JCM Model Project)[WORD]
- Agreement on International Consortium (Example for the Eco Lease Project)[WORD]
- Project Idea Note for the JCM Project (Form No.3-16) [WORD]
- Agreement on the Allocation of JCM Credits (Form No.5 for the JCM Model Project) [WORD]
- Agreement on the Allocation of JCM Credits (Form No.5 for the Eco Lease Project) [WORD]
About Joint Crediting Mechanism (the JCM)
- Carbon Markets Express : Joint Crediting Mechanism (the JCM)
- Global Environment Centre Foundation: Overview of the JCM
Organization Contacts
Attn: Hiroshi TAKAHASHI & Masami ISHIHARA
Financing Programme Group, Tokyo Office
Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC)
4th Floor Hongo Ozeki Bldg., 3-19-4 Hongo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan