Installation of Combined Heat and Power System in Hotel
- Representative Participant
- Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System which consists of an 1,000kW class gas engine and an absorption chiller will be installed in a hotel located in Surabaya, East Java Province. By supplying both electricity and chilled water, this system replaces a part of electricity supplied by grid and electricity consumption by chillers. High overall efficiency of CHP system enables reduction of both CO2 emissions and utility cost.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
4,166 tCO2/year
- Reference CO2 emissions: 8,373 tCO2/year
{(Amount of electricity supplied by project gas engine (10,000 MWh/y) + Amount of avoided electricity consumption by chillers (1,300 MWh/y)} x Grid emission factor (0.741 tCO2/MWh) - Project CO2 emissions: 4,200 tCO2/year
Amount of gas consumption (75 TJ/y) x Emission factor for gas(15.3 tC/TJ) x (44/12)
Site of JCM Project

Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia