Regenerative Burners for Aluminium Melting Furnaces
- Representative Participant
- Toyotsu Machinery Corporation
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
Regenerative burners will be introduced to replace conventional single burners attached to the aluminium melting furnaces, so as to achieve energy efficiency in the automotive and motorcycle parts factory.
Regenerative burners are composed of a pair of burners, to reuse waste heat included in exhaust gas for combustion air preheating.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
Potential: 170 thousand tCO2/yr
← Similar projects are to be implemented for the aluminium demand of 770kt/yr in 2020.
Site of JCM Project

Factories with aluminium melting furnaces, located in Near Jakarta:
i. PT. TD Automotive Compressor Indonesia
ii. PT. Yamaha Motor Parts Manufacturing Indonesia.
iii. PT. Kyowa Indonesia