Hybrid Power Generation Project Using Biogas and Solar Power
- Representative Participant
- Next Energy & Resources Co., Ltd.
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
- To generate electricity, by using Biogas collected from POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent) through anaerobic digestion system and to supply such electricity to the GRID under FIT (Size of Generation: 2MW).
- By installing 100kW Solar PV System for self consumption, maximizing the power supply to the grid.
- The project aims to contribute to the reduction of GHG emission by reducing methane gas emission from POME and CO2 emissions from fossil fuel based grid connected power plants.
- Furthermore, contributing to the improvement of areal environment by reducing pollution caused by rancid smell from POME.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
61,197 tCO2/year
- Reference CO2 emissions: 66,226 tCO2/year
Emissions from methane gas emitted from POME: 56,562tCO2/year Emissions from grid electricity displaced by biogas power generation: 9,664 tCO2/year - Project CO2 emissions: 5,029 tCO2/year
Methane missions from POME treatment lagoons without biogas recovery system:
Site of JCM Project

Bandar Pasir Mandoe, Kabupaten Asahan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesa