Introduction of High-Efficiency Thermal Oil Heater System in Chemical Factory
- Representative Participant
Partner Participant: PT FUMAKILLA NOMOS
Not registered
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
For the purpose of the contribution to the global environment, the operation of the existing coal-fired thermal oil heater is stopped, and the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be reduced by installing the new high-efficiency natural gas-fired thermal oil heater.
By replacing the coal-fired system with the natural gas-fired system, concerns about the corrosion of pre air heater will be diminished, and the equipment is also expected to be used with high efficiency in the long run.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
1,809 tCO2-eq./year
= [(Reference fuel consumption)
– (Project fuel consumption)]
x Emission factor (EF)
Site of JCM Project