Energy Saving by introducing regenerative energy storage system in Skytrain
- Representative Participant
- Nippon Koei Co., Ltd
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
The project introduces electric power generation saving system into skytrain which operates in Bangkok city, Thailand. The system reduces power consumption which is used for train operation by saving electric power generation.
The project introduces two electric generation saving system and aims to promote the system in Asian countries as well as Thailand, where railway market are in growing.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
990 tCO2/year per two systems
Reference CO2 emissions: 9,900 tCO2/year per 1 system
Amount of electricity supplied from grid (18,000 MWh/year)
Emission factor; Reference scenario:(0.55kgCO2/kwh)
Project CO2 emissions: 9,405 tCO2/year per 1 system
Amount of electricity supplied from grid by project (17,100 MWh/year)
Emission factor; Project scenario:(0.55kgCO2/kwh)
Site of JCM Project