Saving Energy for station facilities utilizing regenerative energy from trains
- Representative Participant
- Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
Bangkok public transportation railway projects of Metro (existing Blue Line) and Sky Train (existing Green Line) consists of 52 kilometers, 49 stations and 261 cars in all. The cars have regenerative braking system which provides electric power in braking to other neighboring cars in driving through the power line. However, in case of no cars nearby, the surplus electric power could be disposed as thermal energy.
Therefore, the project introduces Station Energy Saving Inverters (S-EIV) which can use surplus regenerative energy from trains in braking for the station facilities.
■S-EIV’s main features
Convert the surplus regenerative energy from trains, which cannot be consumed by other trains, to low-voltage AC electricity for station facilities such as Lighting, Air-conditioning, Escalators ,Lift and so on.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
1,927 tCO2/year
Electricity energy reduction by the project (S-EIV): 600kWh/day x 16sets x 365days = 3,504,000 kWh/year
Grid emission factor in Thailand: 0.55 tCO2/kWh
Emission reduction by the project(S-EIV): 3,504,000kWh x 0.55 = 1,927 tCO2
Site of JCM Project