Improvement of REDD+ Implementation Using IC Technology
- Representative Participant
- Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
In Indonesia, deforestation and forest degradation have become main Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions sources. By reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the project under consideration can contribute to realizing sustainable development in the local society.
In the project, high-spec MRV methodologies are considered by making the best use of Information Communication (IC) Technologies. Specifically, MRV methodologies, which enable more accurate land-cover classification by use of high resolution remote sensing imaginary data, are being considered.
Also being considered are management approaches for improving work efficiency of on-site sampling data collection activities with portable IC devices and for increasing operational efficiency with integrated databases.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
180,000 tCO2/year
The GHG reductions would be achieved by conducting the following activities:
– Forest Patrol
– Forest Conservation
– Plantations etc.
Site of JCM Project

East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia