Introduction of Co-generation System Using Bagasse in Sugar Factory
- Representative Participant
- Japan NUS
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
Nghe An Sugar Company (NASU), one of the largest sugar companies in Vietnam, is planning to introduce a 35MW co-generation system that runs with bagasse from the sugar production process. All vapor from the system is consumed in the sugar production process. The 6MW of electricity generated is used for internal processes and the surplus 29MW is sold to EVN (VietNam Electricity). GHG emissions reduction is achieved by substituting grid electricity with electricity from biomass.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
144,751 tCO2/year
Reference CO2 emissions: 144,761tCO2/year
electricity generation supplied to the grid (231,840MWh/yr)
x grid CO2 emission factor (0.624tCO2/MWh)
Project CO2 emissions: 10tCO2/year
Site of JCM Project

Nghe An Province, Vietnam