48MW Solar Power Project Utilizing PMGD Scheme
- Representative Participant
Partner Participant: PFV Albatros SpA, PFV Becacina SpA, PFV Las Gaviotas SpA, Canelillo Solar SpA,
PFV El Halcón SpA, Chilca Solar SpA, PFV El Pelicano SpA, PFV El Turpial SpA,
PFV Jilguero SpA, PFV La Cotorra SpA, PFV La Quintrala SpA, PFV Las Loicas SpA,
PFV Loros Tricahues SpA, PFV Ñandú SpA, PFV Las Garzas SpA
PFV El Halcón SpA, Chilca Solar SpA, PFV El Pelicano SpA, PFV El Turpial SpA,
PFV Jilguero SpA, PFV La Cotorra SpA, PFV La Quintrala SpA, PFV Las Loicas SpA,
PFV Loros Tricahues SpA, PFV Ñandú SpA, PFV Las Garzas SpA
Not registered
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
Total 48MW solar power systems with bifacial solar panels and single-axis trackers are installed in 15 sites. All the power generated is sold to the Grid, utilizing PMGD Scheme and applying solar power system.
This project reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by replacing part of the electricity from the fossil fuel-derived grid power with renewable energy.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
35,688 tCO2-eq./year
= Reference CO₂ emissions
– Project CO₂ emissions
・ Reference CO₂ emissions
= Quantity of the electricity generated by the project [MWh/year]
× Emission factor [tCO₂/MWh]
・ Project CO₂ emissions
= 0 [tCO₂/year]
Site of JCM Project