REDD+ project in Luang Prabang Province through controlling slash-and-burn
- Representative Participant
- Waseda University
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
The project site is a part of Phonsay District, Luang Prabang Province (about 30,000ha) where has severe deforestation and forest degradation by shifting cultivation and so on.
REDD+ activities are implemented on the basis of the achievement of JICA’s readiness activities (e.g. introduction of alternative livelihoods) and amount of GHG emission reductions by REDD+ activities are quantified.
In this year, the project aims to establish Joint Steering Committee (JSC) to discuss on policy issues and strategies on REDD+ with a view to expand to sub-national level. Also, the project organizes the REDD+ technical team to enforce REDD+ activities at village level and to expand them into other areas.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
140,000 t-CO2/year
Reference emissions: 340,000 t-CO2/year
⇒ Continue GHG emissions on the basis of its trend in the past
Project emissions: 200,000 t-CO2/year
⇒ Mitigate the deforestation and forest degradation by forest management and introducing and implementing of alternative livelihood
Site of JCM Project
Houaykhing Village Cluster,
Phonsay District Luang Prabang Province (30,000 ha)