Latest News
Contribution towards SDGs through JCM Model Projects(Mizuho Toshiba Leasing Company Ltd.)
Webinar on the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Implementation for Sri Lanka – Contribution to GHG Emission Reductions in Sri Lanka through the JCM –
[Invitation] Seminar to promote the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) implementation in Georgia(24th Jan. 2024)
Contribution towards SDGs through JCM Model Projects(Suuri-Keikaku Co., Ltd.)
*Canceled*[Invitation] UNFCCC COP28 JCM side event at Azerbaijan Pavilion(5th Dec. 2023)
[Invitation] UNFCCC COP28 JCM side event at Japan Pavilion(3rd Dec. 2023)
Contribution towards SDGs through JCM Model Projects(Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.)
Contribution towards SDGs through JCM Model Projects(JFE Engineering Corporation) *Updated 2024/6/24
【Invitation to COP28 Exhibits】- JCM Outline and Latest Update of the JCM Model Projects by MOEJ –
※Streaming Link added (12/9)※【Invitation to COP28 Side Event】- Advancing the Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) towards High Integrity Carbon Markets –