Introduction of 2MW Rooftop Solar Power System to University
- Representative Participant
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
A 2MW solar power system is installed for self-consumption on the roofs of university campus buildings located about 480km northeast of Bangkok. A joint venture company of the project participants signs Power Purchase Agreement with the university to supply the electricity generated for 20 years. The electricity generated replaces a portion of grid electricity to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
This project contributes to the achievement of Thailand’s policy for increasing the share of renewable energy (excluding imported hydropower) in the total power supply to 20% by 2037.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
868 tCO2-eq./year
= 868 tCO2/year (Reference CO2 emissions)
– 0 tCO2/year (Project CO2 emissions)
・Reference CO2 emissions
≒ 2,727.153 [MWh/year] x 0.319 [tCO2/MWh]
・Project CO2 emissions
= 0 [tCO2/year]
Site of JCM Project