Solar Power Generation System
- Representative Participant
- Inter Action Corporation
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
A 160KW-capacity solar power generating plant will be installed at the Palau International Coral Reef Center located in the state of Koror, Republic of Palau.
Installation of the solar power system in the areas that are electrified by diesel generators limits the use of electricity generated by combusting fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
100 tCO2/year
Expected GHG Reductions: 100 tCOO2/year
Estimated annual power generation amount (180MWh /y) * grid COO2 emission factor (0.698 CO2e/MWh)
Potential GHG Reductions: 1600 (tCOO2/year)
Conditions: If the competitive force of fossil fuel cost was over the PV power system from the diffusion of JCM projects, we can offer the solar power system in the remote area where it is more difficult to access fossil fuels than it is from the city.
Site of JCM Project

Koror State, Palau