Waste Heat Recovery and Electricity Generation in Flat Glass Production Plant
- Representative Participant
- Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
The purpose of the Project under consideration is to achieve efficient use of energy in order to respond to scheduled electricity tariff hikes. The Project involves introduction of waste heat recovery and electricity generation system with the generation capacity of 1300kW. The Project displaces electricity currently purchased from the grid and contributes to the reduction of use of grid electricity which leads to greenhouse gas emission reductions.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
4,900 tCO2/year
- Reference CO2 emissions: 4,900tCO2 /year
electricity generation supplied to the grid (6,020MWh /yr)
x grid CO2 emission factor (0.814tCO2/MWh) - Project CO2 emissions: 0tCO2/year
Site of JCM Project

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