Promotion of Electric Vehicle for Taxi Usage
- Representative Participant
- Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
The government of Costa Rica is targeting to achieve carbon neutral by 2021, and is putting high priority on de-carbonization in the Transport Sector, which occupies 51% of total energy consumption in the nation. This project under aims to reduce GHG emissions by promoting Electric Vehicles (100 units expected) in the taxi fleet together with relevant charging infrastructure. It is also within the scope in the future to expand EV penetration into other fleet sectors as well as private sectors.
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
1,214 tCO2/year
Reference CO2 emissions: 1,283 tCO2/year (Amount of 100 units)
Annual Driving Distance per Taxi in Costa Rica : 93,000 km/year
→ Emission amount calculated based on the default values such as fuel consumption defined by catalogue value of respective vehicle
Project CO2 emissions: 69 tCO2/year
→ Emission amount calculated based on the default values such as CO2 emission factor of electricity and electricity consumption defined by catalogue value of respective vehicle
Site of JCM Project

Project site defined to be in San Jose, capital of Costa Rica, where 51% of all taxi fleet vehicles exists