Solar Power System at Off-Grid Cell Towers
- Representative Participant
- PricewaterhouseCoopers Co., Ltd.
Outline of GHG Mitigation Activity
Achieving reductions in CO2 emissions through the replacement of diesel generators with solar power generators in mobile telecoms base stations.
Contribution to Sustainable Development:
Energy Security: Demonstrates energy efficiency and the use of green power in the telecoms sector
Supporting Remote Communities: Solar power mobile base stations provide reliable remote telecommunication for communities in rural and remote areas
Expected GHG Emission Reductions
Estimated CO2 emission reductions in Indonesia, based on assumed installation of 10,000 new mobile base stations per year. Estimated GHG reductions: 83tCO2/year, in case of 1 BTS
GHG reduction potential: 41,300tCO2/year, in case of 500 BTS
Site of JCM Project

Non-grid connected rural area in East Indonesia. Final locations will be determined through discussion with Telkomsel.