CDM PoA Feasibility Study for Household Biogas Digester Promotion Programme in Bangladesh

Global Environment Centre Foundation(GEC)

Reports of CDM/JI Feasibility Studies

Title of Feasibility Study (FS)CDM PoA Feasibility Study for Household Biogas Digester Promotion Programme in Bangladesh
FYrFY 2011
Main Implementing EntityPEAR Carbon Offset Initiative, Ltd.
FS Partner(s)MOIT: Ministry of Industry and Trade
ECC: Energy Conservation Center
IE: Institute of Energy
Location of Project ActivityBangladesh
Category of Project ActivityWaste Management
Targeted GHGCarbon Dioxide (CO2)

Report (PDF 412KB)

Description of Project ActivityThe proposed PoA is to accelerate National Domestic Biogas and Manure Progamme (NDBMP) in Bangladesh through the programmatic CDM.
Households being included in CPAs under the PoA should meet the following conditions:
In baseline scenario: Households use biomass (fuel-wood portion is 100% non-renewable) for thermal energy need through conventional coking stoves
Project scenario: Households use biogas instead of biomass for thermal energy need through introduced biogas stoves
It can be said that the PoA will facilitate rural households accessibility for affordable renewable energy at the same time improve the life condition of rural households by cutting indoor air pollutions.
The PoA also includes micro utility business model in which households who install biogas digesters bigger than 4.8 m3/day (NDBMP covers biogas digesters less than 4.8 m3) provide their spare biogas to neighbor households who do not have own conditions to install biogas digesters.
Methodology to be appliedAMS-I.E. ver. 04: “Switch from non-renewable biomass for thermal applications by the user”
Baseline ScenarioThe baseline scenario for the project activities under the PoA is the continuation of current practice that households use non-renewable biomass for their thermal need.
For the main parameter BB of baseline fuel wood consumption, the default value (household annual biomass consumption) for Asian region is applied.
Monitoring PlanThe main and only parameter need monitoring is the number of households (NOPHH,y) who are using biogas from biogas digesters having operated appropriately. The parameter can be grasped as a function of time given as below through the recording system that covers entire households with considering the following elements.
BPJy = BHHPJ * (1/365) * Σi niOPHH,y
  • Identify failure period (non operated period) of biogas digesters through integrating monitoring system with maintenance system. Households are required and agreed to report any failure of their biogas digesters in due time in the agreements with IDCOL. Under the NDBMP, the staffs regularly visit households during the loan period (two years at most); for the programme the practice should be kept during the crediting period to grasp operation condition of biogas digesters.)
  • Biogas operation period of the first year is identified per diem.
The point being that developing a database by a household rather than a biogas digester is very important.
Estimation of GHG Emission ReductionsEstimated emission reduction is 3.83 t CO2/household/year.
At present, in the case of Grammen Shakti, the installation rate of biogas digesters is 500/month. The rate will be up to 800/month if counting numbers of other NOGs also.
Of that rate, the emission reduction after 10 years becomes 380 thousand ton; with a 1.5 times accelerated rate the emission reduction will exceed 4 million ton.
Duration of Project Activity/ Crediting PeriodThe crediting period is 28 years (PoA) / 21 years (CPA).
As validation of the PoA was started on 13 December 2011, activities from the date onward are eligible for the first CPA under the PoA. Registration would be completed in May 2011.
Environmental Impact AnalysisRegarding domestic biogas digester projects, there has ben no requirement for environment impact assessment in Bangladesh.
Demonstration of AdditionalityFor additionality demonstration of CPAs, the “GUIDELINES FOR DEMONSTRATING ADDITIONALITY OF MICROSCALE PROJECT ACTIVITIES” is applied.
Regarding additionality of the PoA, it can be said that the PoA is additional if each CPA is to be included in the PoA is additional. Thus additionality check of CPAs is included in the eligibility criteria for inclusion of a CPA to the PoA.
Project FeasibilityAs the PoA mostly covers the existing program, there has been no problem for the project feasibility. However, there is still a task to accelerate micro utility business and diffuse industrial product biogas digesters under the PoA.
"Co-benefits" (i.e. Improvement of Local Environmental Problems)Reduce indoor air pollution such as eliminate indoor black carbon pollution.
Contribution to Sustainable Development in Host CountryLocal benefits related to energy: Increase rural households energy accessibility (micro utility ensure biogas accessibility to poor rural households)
Other benefits: Income generation through energy cost saving, gas selling and women’s labor load alleviation, etc.
National level benefits:
Increase energy security and reduce deforestation, etc.