Title of Feasibility Study (FS) | Programmatic CDM Project Feasibility Study on Energy Efficiency Activities Using Idling Stop Equipments for Buses in Shandong Province, China |
FY | FY 2010 |
Main Implementing Entity | Japan Weather Association |
FS Partner(s) | Jinan Public Transport Group Company (CPA#1) |
Location of Project Activity | China (Shandong Province) |
Category of Project Activity | Transportation |
Targeted GHG | CO2 |
Duration of Project Activity/ Crediting Period | - Starting date of the PoA: Jan. 2012
- Crediting period of the PoA: 28 years
- Starting date of CPA#1: Dec. 2011
- Starting date of crediting period (CPA#1): Jan. 2012
- Crediting period (CPA#1): 10 years
Summary of FS Report | Summary(PDF 263KB) |
Description of Project Activity | The purpose of the PoA is to reduce CO2 emissions from buses operating by public bus companies in Shandong Province, China. The post-fit type idling stop device was developed in Japan, and it is possible to ease driving operation to stop idling compare to manual operations of turning the engine off and on by the ignition key. The emission of air pollutant such as NOx and PM are also reduced. |
Methodology to be applied | AMS-III.AP. ver.2* The methodology was developed through the last year's FS, and proposed the CDM EB to approve as a new small-scale CDM methodology. The CDM EB approved at its 58th meeting (Nov. 2010), and revised it as version 2 at its 59th meeting (Feb. 2011). |
Baseline Scenario | The baseline scenario is identified as "the buses will continue idling at stoplights or other situations in the absence of the proposed project activity". |
Demonstration of Additionality | Location of the areas where the project activity has been implemented, size of the areas where the project activity has been implemented for each type of strata, location of the permanent sample plots, diameter of tree at breast height, height of tree, basic wood density and ownership of land are the major monitoring contents for the Project. |
Estimation of GHG Emission Reductions | Jinan Public Transport Group Company (CPA#1): 2,450tCO2/year |
Monitoring Plan |  | CPA level (The CPA implementers) | PoA level (The coordinating/managing entity) | Monitoring management | - Implement and manage monitoring of CPAs
| - Operation and management of the PoA and supervision of each CPA
- Develop the operation and monitoring manual for CPAs.
- Develop and establish data collection and reporting system for parameters monitored in every CPAs.
| Data collection and reporting | - Implement data collection of the CPA
- Prepare daily and monthly report
- Check data quality and collection procedures regularly
| - Check data quality and collection procedures of each CPAs regularly
- Prepare monthly and annual report
| Data storage and management | - Collect memory cards.
- Implement data management of CPA.
- Store and maintain records.
| - Develop database format of CPA.
- Check the reported data from each CPAs.
- Calculate emission reductions based on the data reported by each CPA implementer.
- Implement data management of PoA.
- Store and maintain records
| Quality assurance | - Undertake regular maintenance of the devices
- Receive necessary training for operation of the system and quality assurance of monitoring data
| - Request regular maintenance of the devices to each CPA implementer.
- Implement training for operation of the system and quality assurance and quality control of monitoring data
Environmental Impact Analysis | There is no negative environmental effect by installation of the idling stop device. As no construction works are accompanied, this project is not a subject of environment impact assessment analysis. |
Project Feasibility | (1) Possibility of PoA in China:There is no approval for PoA in China. There is information that project participants can make a request for approval PoA as well as normal CDM. This project as well, therefore, it is expected that Chinese government approval could become an issue unlikely. (2) Evaluation of the project plan by JPTGC:JPTGC expressed their evaluations on the project plan, these are as follows;- Risk on their internal cost increasing than the project plan
- Crediting period such as 10 years is too long for a life of their buses
- Difficulty of implementing the CDM project with their investment
Study team answered to their evaluations as follows;- If target buses will be decreased during crediting period, project participants will have to identify a baseline of each CPA again and the project will have no feasibility business. As a result, it is essential to further study for PoA.
- Study team has no other CDM plans without their investment. Therefore study team has to accept their decisions.
"Co-benefits" (i.e. Improvement of Local Environmental Problems) | This project can contribute to improve the air pollutants in the project area, because it reduces fuel consumption and emission of NOx and PM while vehicles are stopping at traffic lights. |
Contribution to Sustainable Development in Host Country | - |