Feasibility Study on the CDM Project of Integrated MSW Treatment with Composting of Organic Waste and LFG Capture and Utilization in Ipoh City, Malaysia

Global Environment Centre Foundation(GEC)

Reports of CDM/JI Feasibility Studies

Title of Feasibility Study (FS)Feasibility Study on the CDM Project of Integrated MSW Treatment with Composting of Organic Waste and LFG Capture and Utilization in Ipoh City, Malaysia
FYFY 2009
Main Implementing EntityMidac Corporation
FS Partner(s)Kajima Corporation; Leetuck Construction Corporation; Ipoh City Council; Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG); and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE)
Location of Project ActivityMalaysia (Ipoh City, Perak State)
Summary of FS ReportSummary(PDF 141KB)
Description of Project ActivityThe project is to introduce an integrated MSW treatment system to the landfill site located in Ipoh City of Perak State, Malaysia. Currently, about 600t/day of MSW is disposed of in the target landfill, wherein the common practice for disposal is open dumping and landfill gasses are not extracted. The current open-dumping causes serious problems to the ambient environment.
The project involves 1) LFG capture and utilization, or 2) composting of organic wastes through mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) in the landfill site. The proposed project activities are planned to be commenced in 2013.
Targeted GHGCH4
Category of Project ActivityWaste Management
Duration of Project Activity/ Crediting Period2012-2033 / 2013-2019 (7 years, renewable crediting period)
Methodology to be applied
  • Scenario 1: In case the landfill will be closed (A)
      ACM0001 "Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities (version 11)"
  • Scenario 2: In case the landfill will continuously receive MSW (B)
      AM0025 "Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes (version 11)"
Baseline Scenario
  • A: LFG Capture and Utilization:
    Based on the approved methodology ACM0001 (version 11), continuation of current practice, that is, atmospheric release of the landfill gas (LFG2) and usage of electricity obtained from the Grid (P6) is identified as the most credible and plausible baseline scenario.
  • B: Composting of Organic Waste:
    Based on the approved methodology AM0025 (version 11), continuation of current practice, that is, the disposal of waste at a landfill without the capture of landfill gas (M3) is identified as the most credible and plausible baseline scenario.
Demonstration of AdditionalityAdditionality of the proposed project is demonstrated using the "Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality (version 05.2)".
Based on the results of investment analysis and common practice analysis, it was demonstrated that all the presented alternatives face investment barrier giving negative Project IRR, and any similar activities would not be implemented in Malaysia without the incentive provided by the CDM. Therefore, the proposed project activity is additional.
This applies to both of A (LFG Capture and Utilization) and B (Composting of Organic Waste) projects.
Estimation of GHG Emission Reductions
  • A (LFG Capture and Utilization): 57,510tCO2/year (7-year average)
  • B (Composting of Organic Waste): 38,873tCO2/year (7-year average)
Monitoring PlanBased on the approved methodology, monitoring is implemented. Main monitoring items are as follows.
  • A: LFG Capture and Utilization
      • - Total quantity of methane destroyed

      • - Quantity of electricity produced using LFG

      - Electricity consumed for the project activity
  • B: Composting of Organic Waste
      • - Quantity of on-site fossil fuel and electricity consumption

      • - Amount of compost production

      - Number of samples with oxygen deficiency
Environmental Impact AnalysisThe project might have some environmental impacts such as air pollution, noise and vibration, etc. which may occur along with construction and operation of the facility. However, the project’s overall impact on environment will be small, and be reduced to minimum by taking the appropriate mitigation measures.
Project FeasibilityThe proposed projects can be economically feasible if implemented as CDM project. The project stakeholders are expressing an interest and place expectations in the implementation of the proposed project. However, further negotiation and coordination is still needed for the realization of the project. A final decision for project implementation should be made after due consideration of stakeholders' interests and the social condition.
Pollutants Emissions ReductionB (Composting of Organic Waste) project can do following pollutants emission reduction.
    • - Waste amount reduction

    - Leachate COD reduction