CDM Project Study for Energy Utilization of Ammonia Plant Tail Gas in Syria

Global Environment Centre Foundation(GEC)

Reports of CDM/JI Feasibility Studies

Title of Feasibility Study (FS)CDM Project Study for Energy Utilization of Ammonia Plant Tail Gas in Syria
FYFY 2008
Main Implementing EntityShimizu Corporation
FS Partner(s)Ohsumi Co., Ltd.; and Climate Experts PLC.
Location of Project ActivitySyria (Homs City)
Summary of FS ReportSummary (PDF273KB)
Description of Project ActivityThe project is to be implemented in an ammonia manufacturing plant located within a general chemical fertilizer company (GFC) in Homs, the third largest city in Syria. It is a CDM project that aims to utilize purge gases (exhaust gas: CH4 = 12%, H2 = 60%, plus nitrogen, ammonia and argon, etc., but not including harmful substances) as an alternative fuel in the plant boiler, which currently uses natural gas as fuel.
Targeted GHGCO2, and CH4
Category of Project ActivityOtehrs (Waste Gas Utilisation)
Duration of Project Activity/ Crediting Period2010-2020 / 2011-2020
Baseline Scenario (including Methodology to be applied)The physical project boundary in the proposed new methodology is "The area of GFC where purge gas is recovered and used as boiler fuel". In the project, it is planned to recover purge gas in the ammonia plant and to install a new multi-fuel fired boiler next to the two existing natural gas fired boilers. Therefore, the project boundary is limited to this area.
It is expected that the baseline scenario will be maintenance of the status quo.
Demonstration of AdditionalityThe baseline scenario will basically be demonstrated through grasping how things have actually been within GFC from the past to present and presenting reasons and evidence to support this.
Regarding existence of barriers, evidence will be collected and a chronological table will be compiled with a view to tracking the decision making by the GFC. Concerning actual proof, a number of baseline scenarios different from maintenance of the status quo will be presented and the most likely one (in the case where the CDM project is not implemented) will be selected as the baseline scenario. In this case, the project will be divided into two major components, and the separate scenarios (combinations) will be examined within these. This can demonstrate that maintenance of the status quo is the baseline scenario and that the project is additional.
Estimation of GHG Emission Reductions85,250tCO2 on average per year. 850,250tCO2 over 10 years
Monitoring Plan (including Methodology to be applied)Through monitoring the amount of methane included in the purge gas used in the project activities and the heating value obtained through combusting this methane gas in the boilers, the greenhouse gas emissions reductions comprising destroyed methane and substituted fuel will be calculated.
Environmental Impact AnalysisThe project will have a beneficial impact on the environment because it will effectively utilize methane gas that is currently discharged into the atmosphere and also will reduce the quantity of fuel consumption. Moreover, examination is being given to simultaneously introducing equipment for recovering ammonia contained in the purge gas, and this will also have a beneficial environmental impact.
Issues and Tasks for Project MaterialisationAlthough it will be necessary to prepare a new methodology and obtain approval from the United Nations for this, it is expected to secure CERs from 2011 and, providing that the price of CERs is 10US$/tCO2 or more, the project should be economically viable.
Shimizu Corporation intends to work for the fast realization of the project including the necessary fundraising while monitoring political and economic trends in Syria.
Co-benefits EffectsThe project site of GFC is one of the sources of atmospheric pollution in Homs City. Moreover, the purge gas targeted by the project contains ammonia which is harmful to human health, and the treatment of this is needed from the viewpoint of pollution prevention.
Although the concentration of ammonia in purge gas is less than 3%, the smell of ammonia pervades inside and outside the plant and it cannot be denied that this is causing an adverse impact on the surrounding environment. Limiting the atmospheric discharge of ammonia trough implementing the project is significant for preventing air pollution and means that the project will realize co-benefits.