Wind Power Electricity Generation in Slovakia

Global Environment Centre Foundation(GEC)

Reports of CDM/JI Feasibility Studies

Title of Feasibility Study (FS)Wind Power Electricity Generation in Slovakia
FYFY 2007
Main Implementing EntityMizuho Information & Research Institute, Inc.
FS Partner(s)-
Location of Project ActivitySlovak Republic (Trnava, Nitra)
Summary of FS ReportSummary (PDF284KB)
Description of Project ActivityThis whole project does the wind power generation of total 90.75MW in the west of The Slovak Republic. The wind farm of the project is located at two local spots as TRNAVA province and NITRA province in the Slovak Republic.
The wind farm consists of two projects, one has 44MW capacity and generates 90,000MWh electricity annually, the other has 46.75MW capacity and generates 88,000MWh annually.
The projects will reduce almost 120,000t-CO2 of emissions annually.
Targeted GHGCO2
Category of Project ActivityRenewable Energy (Wind Power)
Duration of Project Activity/ Crediting PeriodProject Activity: July, 2009-June, 2028 (20years) / Crediting Period: July, 2009-Dec, 2012
Baseline Methodology/ AdditionalityModified baseline according to "Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system" is applied.
Estimation of GHG Emission ReductionsApprox.120,000t-CO2/year. In total, 480,000t-CO2 for 5years.
Monitoring MethodologyThe same as methodology of baseline is applied.
Environmental Impact AnalysisEnvironmental assessment is divided into 2 steps and whole assessment takes more than 2 years. The report of first step has been done and the Ministry of Environment has approved it. The development of second step report has started. "Noise", "Impact on scenery", and "Impact on birds" are the three important issues in the environmental assessment which requires the approval regarding wind power plant. In the present circumstances, it is understood that it has gone extremely well the explanation to the public meetings, local governments, etc.
Issues and Tasks for Project RealisationThe potential buyer will be selected ASAP.